Saturday, July 26, 2014

I have created a CHIASM DISPLAY MACRO for Excel files - download FREE!

This Excel file not only adds colours and borders to your chiasms automatically, but it does it as fast as you can change it!  This means you can use this software to find chiasms as fast as you can think.  You can just copy-paste a slab of bible text into Word or email, insert returns at the end of each phrase, copy-paste that text into this Excel file, slide the phrases back and forth using Option-LeftArrow and Option-RightArrow, and all the colour formatting is instantly remapped.  If you have slid a phrase 3 steps in it will have the same colour as any other phrase 3 steps in.  I find it saves me perhaps 90% of the time it usually takes to find chiasms and 99% of the usual time to lay out text for chiasms and colour/ code/ tag them.  If you already have some mapped, just copy-paste it in and it will suddenly have colours & borders finished.  You can copy-paste these out into your book, blog, email, whatever.  It's pretty cool!

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